Agile software development methods have become an important development approach for many leading organizations. Modern agile methods are well wupported, robust and scale up better than before.
Research and practice of agile methods have shown that can be applied in a variety of development situations. However, it is difficult to know how to adapt them into each situation.
Our experts have been involved in the research and deployment of agile methods for over 10 years. Our main expertise in this area is the alignment of agile methods for the business needs of the organization.
Kontio, Jyrki, "Challenges in Scaling Up Agile Software Development Process for Real Business," Proceedings of the 1st ICSE Workshop on Iterative, Adaptive, and Agile Processes 2002.
Kontio, Jyrki, Keynote “Why Agile now? The Agility Needed for Business Success” at 3rd Agile Software Development Seminar (ASDS 2005), Oulu, Finland, Sept 29, 2005.
Kontio, Jyrki, Member of the Agile Software Development panel at the European SEPG conference, June 18, 2003, London.
Kontio, Jyrki, Member of the Agile Methods in a Mature Process Environment panel at the PROFES conference, Dec 11, 2002, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Jyrki Kontio: Tutorial and workshop “Managing Commitments and Risks: Challenges in Distributed Agile Development” with Magnus Höglund and Jan Rydén, International Conference on Software Engineering, Portland, OR, U.S.A.
Jyrki Kontio, Program Committee member of the 2004 XP/Agile Universe
Pekka Abrahamsson and Jyrki Kontio: Pre-examiners on Luka Milovanov’s doctoral dissertation titled “Agile Software Development in an Academic Environment”, Abå Akademie, Turku, 2006.
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