Process management

Process engineering and management has been one of the core competencies of Nokia, an international success story. Dr. Kontio has been involved in Nokia's software process management throughout his 10+ years at Nokia, including the responsibility for heading the team that defined Nokia's process management priciples.

Dr. Kontio has also worked with leading academics in the area of software process improvement, including professor Victor R. Basili.


J. Kontio, A Process Engineering Framework. In: Advances in Computers, ed. M.V. Zelkowitz. Academic Press, 1998.
J. Kontio: Promises: A Framework for Utilizing Process Models in Process Asset Management, licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1995
.Kontio,J. A Brief Introduction to Experience Factory and Quality Improvement Paradigm. 1998. Helsinki, Suomen Laatuyhdistys. Proceedings of the Finnish Quality Conference. 28-4-998
0Keynote at the Austrian Computer Society (OCG AK) seminar “Software-Prozesse in Europa: Basis für Integration von Business und Engineering”, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Dec 5, 2005

Program Committees

Program Committee member of the 2007 International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2007), 19-20 May, 2007, Minneapolis, USA (co-located with ICSE 2007)
Program Committee member of the Software Process Workshop (ProSIM) 2006, 20-21 May, 2006, Shanghai, China (co-located with ICSE 2006)
.Program Committee member of the 2005 PROFES Conference (The 6th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement
)• Program Committee member of the Software Process Workshop 2005, Beijing, China, May 24-26, 200