Dr. Jyrki Kontio acted as the first full professor of Software Business at the Helsinki University of Technology between 2001 and 2007. Under his leadership the Software Business Laboratory rose to one of the top computer science research units in Finland. (Computer Science Research in Finland).
Professor Kontio has Board-level experience from several leading software firms and he has conducted several Due Diligence reviews on software firms.
In the area of software business Dr. Kontio is internationally recognized speaker and researcher.
Kontio, Jyrki (Toim.), Kasvufoorumi 08 loppuraportti, Ohjelmistoyrittäjät ry, 2008
Software Product Development and Business in Europ, keynote at the Austrian Computer Society (OCG AK) seminar “Software-Prozesse in Europa: Basis für Integration von Business und Engineering”, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Dec 5, 2005.
eKeynote at EuroMicro 2004 conference, titled "Strategies and Guidelines for Creating Business Value through Software", Rennes, France, Sept 1, 200
4Ahokas, Mika; Kontio, Jyrki; Mäkelä, Markus M.; Pöyry, Päivi; Lassila, Aki, Effects of Software Engineering Practices on the Scalability of Firms' Software Development Output. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Empirical Software Engineering Conference, Noosa Heads, Australia, 17.-18.11.2005. IEEE Computer Society
.Hietala, J., Kontio, J., Jokinen, J.-P., Pyysiäinen, J., Challenges of Software Product Companies: Results of a National Survey in Finland. In Proceedings of the Metrics 2004 Conference, 2004
.Jani-Pekka Jokinen, Juhana Hietala, Markus Mäkelä, Petru Huurinainen, Markku Maula, Jyrki Kontio, and Erkko Autio. Finnish Software Product Business: Results from the National Software Industry Survey 2004. Tekes
.Kontio, J., Cusumano, M.A., Erdogmus, H., Raffo, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Economics-driven Software Engineering Workshop (EDSER-6). 2004. IE
EKontio, J., Butler, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Economics-driven Software Engineering Workshop (EDSER-5). 2003. IEEE Computer Society
.Jyrki Kontio, Jani-Pekka Jokinen, Markus M. Mäkelä, and Virve Leino. Current Practices and Research Opportunities in Software Business Models. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER). Sullivan K. (ed.), 2005. St. Louis, MO, U.S.A
.Keynote “Software Testing and Business” at Software Testing Forum, IIR, Helsinki, Sept 9, 2005 and Jan 18, 200
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