
We offer training solutions from our areas of expertise that we can adapt to the customer's needs and situation. Our training pedagogy is based on an interactive teaching situation, group work, exercises and the application of learned things to solve the customer's problems.

The training contents are presented in the Training material section. We have been developing our training methods and pedagogy in our practical coaching and training activities for many years. We have also worked in the field of pedagogy research, e.g. in the following ways.

Publications and presentations

Jyrki Kontio, Juhani Warsta, Markus M. Mäkelä, Mika Ahokas, Pasi Tyrväinen, and Päivi Pöyry. Software Business Education for Software Engineers: Towards an Integrated Curriculum. Proceedings of CSEE&T 2006, the 19th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. Editors: Daniel Port and Laurie Williams. IEEE Computer Society. 2006.

Jyrki Kontio: Chairman of the panel “Industrial Impact through Education -- Lessons Learned from Barry Boehm's Contributions to Software Engineering” at the Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Hawaii, U.S.A., April 19,2006. Other panelists were Professor Rick Kazman, University of Hawaii, Professor Dieter H. Rombach, IESE Fraunhofer Institute, Dr. Rick Selby, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Professor Victor R. Basili, University of Maryland and Professor Barry Boehm, USC.

Program Comittee Memberships

Program Committee member of the 2006 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Turtle Bay, North Shore Oahu, Hawaii, April 19-21, 2006